Aespa's Karina Prepared to Be a Flight Attendant Before Debut

Aespa's Karina Prepared to Be a Flight Attendant Before Debut

Karina's Pre-debut Journey and Aespa's New Album

Karina's Pre-debut Journey and Aespa's New Album

According to a Korean media outlet, Karina revealed that she was preparing to become a flight attendant before debuting with Aespa.

On the 7th, a video titled "Karina, whose name means pretty | Hyel's Club ep17 Karina" was posted on the YouTube channel 'Hyeri'.

Aespa, who recently made a comeback with their first full album, released double title tracks "Supernova" and "Armageddon," receiving much love. Hyeri asked, "Which song did you like better between 'Armageddon' and 'Supernova'?" Karina responded, "Definitely 'Armageddon'. I loved it so much. I wanted to record it quickly, learn the dance quickly, and perform it on music shows as soon as possible."

However, she added, "But 'Supernova' surprisingly received a good response. Why do you like it? I'm genuinely curious," she said, making everyone laugh.

Regarding 'Supernova', Karina stated, "When we first heard it, we thought it was too complex. Do you know that traditional SM vibe? It's weird at first but then it grows on you." Hyeri responded, "Aespa has a unique charm. It's something only you girls have. The more you listen and watch, the more it feels like MZ (Millennials and Gen Z). Even Taeyeon unnie doesn't quite get it. She doesn't understand the public's taste." Karina added, "'Armageddon' was loved by the members from the first listen."

As Aespa approaches their 4th year since debut, Hyeri asked if Karina had any plans to act. Karina replied, "I don't think I can act. I'm not good at talking. My mouth doesn't look pretty when I speak. It's fine in conversations like this because I don't care, but when filming concert VCRs and saying lines, I get conscious and my mouth looks weird. It feels awkward."

On the other hand, regarding MC or variety shows, Karina said, "I really want to try. I love variety shows. I love talking, though I'm not good at it."

When asked what she would be doing if she wasn't in her current career, Karina revealed, "I was originally preparing to be a flight attendant." She added, "I even attended a Chinese language academy to become a flight attendant. I used to be good at Chinese, but now I've forgotten a lot and can only understand it." Karina and Hyeri briefly conversed in Chinese.

Hyeri asked how long she studied, and Karina answered, "Since kindergarten." Karina also mentioned that she earned a black belt in Taekwondo, to which Hyeri exclaimed, "You've done so many things. You lived a very busy life."

Additionally, when asked if she would rather go 10 years back or 10 years forward, Karina chose "10 years forward," saying, "I'm curious about what I'll be doing. I love spoilers. I can't watch dramas without spoilers because my heart races." She added, "I want to get a life spoiler," and speculated about her future self, "I might be doing something different, maybe variety shows or acting."

[Photo] 'Hyeri'

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