Byun Woo-seok Reduces Security, Faces Crowd Upon Arrival

Byun Woo-seok Reduces Security, Faces Crowd Upon Arrival

Actor Byun Woo-seok Returns Amid 'Excessive Security' Controversy

Actor Byun Woo-seok Returns Amid 'Excessive Security' Controversy

According to Korean media, actor Byun Woo-seok has returned to South Korea amid controversy over 'excessive security'.

Byun Woo-seok arrived at Incheon International Airport on the evening of the 16th after concluding his Asian fan meeting schedule in Hong Kong.

An area was cordoned off at the scene to prevent a crowd from gathering. Byun Woo-seok appeared with his agency staff and security guards to greet fans and the press. Unlike his departure with six security guards, he was accompanied by three security guards upon his return.

While Byun Woo-seok was moving quickly with his security guards, a crowd gathered, causing the safety line to collapse. A video showing Byun Woo-seok losing his balance while taking an escalator was posted on social media, surprising many.

Meanwhile, Byun Woo-seok faced controversy over 'excessive security' when he departed for Hong Kong on the 12th. Reports surfaced that his security guards shone a flashlight on airport lounge users, controlled an airport gate for about 10 minutes to manage the crowd, and allegedly inspected passengers' flight tickets.

On the 15th, Byun Woo-seok's agency, Baro Entertainment, stated that they had requested the security company to stop shining flashlights on the day of the incident. They added, "While we were not aware of the specific security details at the site, we feel a deep sense of moral responsibility for the unfortunate events that occurred during the security process and sincerely apologize to the inconvenienced passengers."

They further stated, "We will ensure that such inconveniences do not occur in the future by conducting more thorough checks and taking greater care. We apologize once again for causing concern."

The security company responsible also admitted to the errors in their actions, telling News1 on the 14th, "We deeply apologize for the inconvenience caused to the citizens."

Despite the apologies from both the agency and the security company, the controversy over Byun Woo-seok's excessive security has not subsided. Some citizens have stated that they filed complaints with the Human Rights Commission, citing 'human rights violations'.

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