Comedian Choi Yang-rak Reveals Wife Paeng Hyun-suk's Obsession with Cleanliness on MBC’s 'Cleaning Guru Brian'

Comedian Choi Yang-rak Reveals Wife Paeng Hyun-suk's Obsession with Cleanliness on MBC’s 'Cleaning Guru Brian'

Comedian Choi Yang-rak Unveils Wife's Obsessive Cleaning Habits

In a recent episode of MBC's 'Cleaning Mania Brian,' comedian Choi Yang-rak shared surprising insights about his wife, actress Paeng Hyun-sook's obsession with cleanliness.

During the show, Brian and fellow guest Bambi visited the home of Choi and Paeng, where Brian expressed his excitement, stating he was there for a 'healing day' rather than just cleaning. Choi revealed that Paeng suffers from obsessive-compulsive tendencies regarding tidiness, going so far as to clean up in other people's homes when things seem messy. This revelation left viewers astonished, highlighting the extremes of Paeng's cleaning habits.

Paeng further demonstrated her dedication to cleanliness, explaining that she can gauge a house's cleanliness just by looking at the window frames. If she finds them dusty and dirty, she refuses to eat at that home, showcasing her high standards as the 'original cleaning mania.'

This candid discussion about cleanliness and personal habits not only entertained viewers but also sparked interest in the couple's home life, blending humor with relatable domestic experiences.

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