Park Soo-hong's Sister-in-Law Faces Fifth Court Hearing for Defamation Amid Ongoing Embezzlement Allegations

Park Soo-hong's Sister-in-Law Faces Fifth Court Hearing for Defamation Amid Ongoing Embezzlement Allegations

In a high-profile case shaking the South Korean entertainment industry, the fifth trial of Lee, the sister-in-law of broadcaster Park Soo-hong, is set to take place today.

The Seoul Western District Court will continue hearings against Lee, who has been accused of defaming Park Soo-hong and his wife, Kim Da-ye, under the Information and Communications Network Act. Park Soo-hong filed a defamation lawsuit against Lee last October, alleging that she spread false information in a KakaoTalk group chat with the intent to harm his reputation. Prosecutors claim that Lee made statements asserting that Park Soo-hong’s allegations of financial misconduct by her and her husband were baseless, as well as claims regarding Park's private life.

In the previous hearing, Lee expressed her distress, stating that her daughter was suffering immensely and could not attend school. She detailed her emotional turmoil, mentioning panic attacks when taking the subway, which led to her undergoing psychiatric treatment. Lee's claims of mental anguish highlight the personal toll this legal battle has taken on her family and the broader implications of public scrutiny in such cases.

As the trial resumes today, Park Soo-hong's attorney has announced that they will refrain from making any further public statements until the verdict is reached. This case is not Lee’s only legal trouble; both she and Park Soo-hong's older brother are facing additional trials for allegedly embezzling hundreds of millions of won from Park's management funds over a span of ten years.

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