Actor Byun Woo-seok Practices Swimming and Sing...
"Hyeri and Beom Woo-seok, a Perfect Match in 'Sunjae Uppgo Ttweo'" Hyeri, who has been supporting the success of rising star Beom Woo-seok, met him on tvN's 'Sunjae Uppgo Ttweo'....
Actor Byun Woo-seok Practices Swimming and Sing...
"Hyeri and Beom Woo-seok, a Perfect Match in 'Sunjae Uppgo Ttweo'" Hyeri, who has been supporting the success of rising star Beom Woo-seok, met him on tvN's 'Sunjae Uppgo Ttweo'....
Hani and Yang Jae-woong got married, making the...
According to reports from the Korean media, EXID member and actress Hani and psychiatrist Yang Jae-woong will be tying the knot this coming fall.It has been reported that Hani and...
Hani and Yang Jae-woong got married, making the...
According to reports from the Korean media, EXID member and actress Hani and psychiatrist Yang Jae-woong will be tying the knot this coming fall.It has been reported that Hani and...
Ukrainian Model Sues Cannes Film Festival Organ...
According to Korean media reports, a Ukrainian model filed a legal lawsuit against the organizers of the 77th Cannes International Film Festival after being obstructed by a security guard on...
Ukrainian Model Sues Cannes Film Festival Organ...
According to Korean media reports, a Ukrainian model filed a legal lawsuit against the organizers of the 77th Cannes International Film Festival after being obstructed by a security guard on...