Comedian Poong-ja Addresses Plastic Surgery Rum...
In a recent episode of the SBS variety show "Shoe Off and Divorced Man," host Pungja shared hilarious anecdotes about her experiences with plastic surgery. During the broadcast, Pungja humorously...
Comedian Poong-ja Addresses Plastic Surgery Rum...
In a recent episode of the SBS variety show "Shoe Off and Divorced Man," host Pungja shared hilarious anecdotes about her experiences with plastic surgery. During the broadcast, Pungja humorously...
Rising Star Ahn Se-ha Faces Escalating School B...
Korean actor An Se-ha is facing serious allegations of school violence, leading to a wave of accusations from former classmates. On September 9, a community post titled "Accusations of School...
Rising Star Ahn Se-ha Faces Escalating School B...
Korean actor An Se-ha is facing serious allegations of school violence, leading to a wave of accusations from former classmates. On September 9, a community post titled "Accusations of School...
Former MBC announcer Park Chang-hyun seeks new ...
Park Chang-hyun, the former MBC announcer, is on a quest for new love as he joins the cast of "Dolsingles6." Recently, he left MBC after a successful career and is...
Former MBC announcer Park Chang-hyun seeks new ...
Park Chang-hyun, the former MBC announcer, is on a quest for new love as he joins the cast of "Dolsingles6." Recently, he left MBC after a successful career and is...
Comedian Kang Jae-jun shares his late-night par...
Comedian Kang Jae-jun recently shared his experiences of parenting, capturing the attention of his followers. On the 11th, he posted a heartfelt message, urging fellow parenting comrades to join him...
Comedian Kang Jae-jun shares his late-night par...
Comedian Kang Jae-jun recently shared his experiences of parenting, capturing the attention of his followers. On the 11th, he posted a heartfelt message, urging fellow parenting comrades to join him...
Kim Hee-ae Stuns in Chic Yellow Short Set and L...
Actress Kim Hee-ae turned heads at a luxury brand's 2024 fall-winter collection launch event in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul, showcasing an eye-catching yellow shorts set. On the 10th, Kim Hee-ae flaunted a...
Kim Hee-ae Stuns in Chic Yellow Short Set and L...
Actress Kim Hee-ae turned heads at a luxury brand's 2024 fall-winter collection launch event in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul, showcasing an eye-catching yellow shorts set. On the 10th, Kim Hee-ae flaunted a...
Comedian Shin Bong-sun Shares Stunning Travel P...
Comedian Shin Bong-sun Shares Stunning Vacation Photos Comedian Shin Bong-sun recently captured the attention of her fans with a series of vibrant vacation photos shared on her social media. On...
Comedian Shin Bong-sun Shares Stunning Travel P...
Comedian Shin Bong-sun Shares Stunning Vacation Photos Comedian Shin Bong-sun recently captured the attention of her fans with a series of vibrant vacation photos shared on her social media. On...