Shin Hye-sun and Lee Jin-wook’s Heart-Wrenching...
In a poignant reveal, 신혜선 and 이진욱's characters confront the painful end of their eight-year relationship in the upcoming drama "My Harry." The show, which airs on 지니 TV, features...
Shin Hye-sun and Lee Jin-wook’s Heart-Wrenching...
In a poignant reveal, 신혜선 and 이진욱's characters confront the painful end of their eight-year relationship in the upcoming drama "My Harry." The show, which airs on 지니 TV, features...
Comedian Choi Yang-rak Reveals Wife Paeng Hyun-...
Comedian Choi Yang-rak Unveils Wife's Obsessive Cleaning Habits In a recent episode of MBC's 'Cleaning Mania Brian,' comedian Choi Yang-rak shared surprising insights about his wife, actress Paeng Hyun-sook's obsession...
Comedian Choi Yang-rak Reveals Wife Paeng Hyun-...
Comedian Choi Yang-rak Unveils Wife's Obsessive Cleaning Habits In a recent episode of MBC's 'Cleaning Mania Brian,' comedian Choi Yang-rak shared surprising insights about his wife, actress Paeng Hyun-sook's obsession...
24-Year-Old Savings Pro Aims to Buy Home by 30,...
In a captivating episode of KBS 2TV's 'High-End Salt Bug,' the spotlight was on a 24-year-old savings champion with an ambitious goal of saving 200 million won. This young saver...
24-Year-Old Savings Pro Aims to Buy Home by 30,...
In a captivating episode of KBS 2TV's 'High-End Salt Bug,' the spotlight was on a 24-year-old savings champion with an ambitious goal of saving 200 million won. This young saver...
"Kim Sam-soon Returns: Director's Cut of Belove...
'My Name is Kim Sam-soon 2024' Defies Time with Renewed Popularity The director's cut of 'My Name is Kim Sam-soon 2024' is captivating audiences just as it did 19 years...
"Kim Sam-soon Returns: Director's Cut of Belove...
'My Name is Kim Sam-soon 2024' Defies Time with Renewed Popularity The director's cut of 'My Name is Kim Sam-soon 2024' is captivating audiences just as it did 19 years...
Rising Star Ahn Se-ha Faces School Violence All...
In a shocking turn of events, actor Ahn Se-ha has faced renewed allegations of school bullying following a series of additional testimonies. The first accuser detailed their experiences in a...
Rising Star Ahn Se-ha Faces School Violence All...
In a shocking turn of events, actor Ahn Se-ha has faced renewed allegations of school bullying following a series of additional testimonies. The first accuser detailed their experiences in a...
Park Soo-hong's Sister-in-Law Faces Fifth Court...
In a high-profile case shaking the South Korean entertainment industry, the fifth trial of Lee, the sister-in-law of broadcaster Park Soo-hong, is set to take place today. The Seoul Western...
Park Soo-hong's Sister-in-Law Faces Fifth Court...
In a high-profile case shaking the South Korean entertainment industry, the fifth trial of Lee, the sister-in-law of broadcaster Park Soo-hong, is set to take place today. The Seoul Western...