After a Decade Apart, Pungja Reunites with Fath...
In a heartfelt episode of SBS's ‘Dolsing For Men,’ singer and comedian Pungja opens up about reuniting with her father after a decade-long estrangement. During the September 10 broadcast, Pungja...
After a Decade Apart, Pungja Reunites with Fath...
In a heartfelt episode of SBS's ‘Dolsing For Men,’ singer and comedian Pungja opens up about reuniting with her father after a decade-long estrangement. During the September 10 broadcast, Pungja...
Former MBC Anchor Park Chang-hyun Joins 'Dolsin...
In a surprising turn of events, former MBC announcer Park Chang-hyun's departure from the network and subsequent divorce have come to light. On September 11, a representative from the MBN...
Former MBC Anchor Park Chang-hyun Joins 'Dolsin...
In a surprising turn of events, former MBC announcer Park Chang-hyun's departure from the network and subsequent divorce have come to light. On September 11, a representative from the MBN...
Comedian Kim Ji-hye Balances Busy Schedule Whil...
South Korean comedian Kim Ji-hye is winning hearts with her dedication to her daughter amidst a busy schedule. On September 10, Kim Ji-hye shared a heartfelt post on her social...
Comedian Kim Ji-hye Balances Busy Schedule Whil...
South Korean comedian Kim Ji-hye is winning hearts with her dedication to her daughter amidst a busy schedule. On September 10, Kim Ji-hye shared a heartfelt post on her social...
Jung Hae-in and Jung So-min Showcase Romantic C...
Actor Jung Hae-in showcases his perfect romantic chemistry with fellow star Jung So-min in their upcoming drama. In a recent interview, Jung Hae-in expressed how comfortable he feels with Jung...
Jung Hae-in and Jung So-min Showcase Romantic C...
Actor Jung Hae-in showcases his perfect romantic chemistry with fellow star Jung So-min in their upcoming drama. In a recent interview, Jung Hae-in expressed how comfortable he feels with Jung...
Broadcast Writer Alleges Violent Assault by Dir...
In a shocking revelation, a broadcast writer has come forward to expose incidents of abuse in the South Korean entertainment industry. Writer A detailed a violent episode involving Director D...
Broadcast Writer Alleges Violent Assault by Dir...
In a shocking revelation, a broadcast writer has come forward to expose incidents of abuse in the South Korean entertainment industry. Writer A detailed a violent episode involving Director D...
Kim Soo-mi Addresses Health Concerns, Assures F...
Rumors about actress Kim Soo-mi's health have been addressed after concerns arose following a recent televised appearance. On September 11, Kim Soo-mi clarified in a phone call with OSEN that...
Kim Soo-mi Addresses Health Concerns, Assures F...
Rumors about actress Kim Soo-mi's health have been addressed after concerns arose following a recent televised appearance. On September 11, Kim Soo-mi clarified in a phone call with OSEN that...